Digestion is complex and it’s not uncommon for someone to suffer from more than one condition simultaneously.

You Don’t Have to Do This Alone.

I provide one-on-one support for people who struggle with a number of digestive conditions. As a holistic nutritionist, I’ll guide you in removing the roadblocks to your success with empowering nutritional counseling and practical lifestyle support.

If you’re ready to upgrade your wellness journey, schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me.

Conditions I Can Help With

  • Acid Reflux

    Indigestion, commonly known as acid reflux, affects approximately 30% of American adults weekly. This condition prompts many to seek relief through acid suppressing medications, which have consistently ranked among the top prescribed drugs in the US. Symptoms such as heartburn, regurgitation, and bloating are typical, but acid reflux can also manifest through less common signs like chronic cough or chest pain. Recognizing these symptoms early and seeking appropriate care is crucial for managing acid reflux effectively and maintaining digestive health

  • Chronic Constipation

    Chronic constipation affects up to 20% of American adults, with symptoms like bloating, hard stools, and infrequent bowel movements. If you've experienced these symptoms for more than three months, it's crucial to address the underlying causes. Factors such as diet lacking in fiber, dehydration, and sedentary lifestyle contribute significantly. Moreover, issues like gut dysbiosis and medication side effects can exacerbate this condition. Proper understanding and proactive management of these factors are essential for maintaining digestive health and overall well-being.

  • Candida Overgrowth

    Candida overgrowth in the gut is increasingly common due to factors like stress, high refined carbohydrate diets, and certain medications such as antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Normally kept in check by beneficial bacteria, Candida albicans can proliferate when this balance is disrupted. This fungal overgrowth thrives on sugars and carbs, leading to symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and fatigue. Recognizing these signs early is crucial for addressing Candida overgrowth and restoring gut health through dietary adjustments and targeted therapies

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a prevalent chronic digestive disorder, impacting approximately 10-15% of the U.S. population, with a higher prevalence among women. Classified into subtypes like IBS-C, IBS-D, and IBS-M, it manifests through symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. Diagnosed by excluding other conditions, IBS can also cause urgent bowel movements and fatigue, significantly impacting daily life. While not life-threatening, managing IBS is essential for improving quality of life through targeted treatments and lifestyle adjustments.

  • Autoimmune Paleo Protocol

    Are you battling autoimmune symptoms that impact your daily life? Do you experience fatigue, digestive issues (like diarrhea, constipation, bloating), poor sleep, joint pain, weight fluctuations, or skin problems (such as acne or eczema)? Autoimmune diseases affect 20% of U.S. adults, with women comprising 75% of those diagnosed. Having one autoimmune condition heightens your risk for others, and there are over 100 recognized autoimmune diseases. Discover how to manage and improve your health with expert guidance. Take control of your autoimmune journey today.

  • Reset Cleanse: Whole Body Detoxification

    Are you ready to rejuvenate your body and restore balance? Now is the perfect time with a 10-Day Reset Cleanse. Unlike traditional fasts, this cleanse is gentle and non-restrictive, designed to support your body's natural detoxification process and kickstart a healthier lifestyle. Benefits of this cleanse include improved sleep, regular elimination, stimulate weight loss, clearer skin, sharper mental focus, reduced joint discomfort, and overall better health. Take the first step towards feeling revitalized and energized. Start your journey to wellness today!

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