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Are You Thriving Or Just Surviving?

Your Diet Could Be A Key Factor.

  • Could you use more energy?
  • Are GI issues holding you back?
  • Are you searching for better mental clarity?

Your diet could be a key factor. What you eat – and don’t eat – can have a significant impact on the quality of your everyday life.

How can nutrition counseling help you? A healthy diet is
foundational to your good health. But what constitutes a good diet? Well, real food for starters. And a dietary plan that is based on your preferences – food and
social – one that takes into account your lifestyle as well as health and wellness goals. There’s no one size fits all when it comes to a healthy diet.

Here’s my approach to nutrition counseling:

  1. We’ll start by reviewing your 3-Day Food Log and take a look at what your current dietary habits are.
  2. And we’ll talk about health issues you may be struggling with. Common complaints include sleep difficulties, brain fog, joint pain, skin issues, mood swings, digestive ailments and weight loss.
  3. We’ll consider how your work and family life fit into the picture of your health and wellness goals.
  4. We’ll focus on the practical side of good nutrition – how to plan and execute healthy meals in your already busy life. We might add in some meal planning support.
  5. And we’ll discuss dietary and lifestyle shifts that can help align your diet with your health and wellness goals.

If you’re tired of feeling like you’re just surviving and want to have confidence in your body again, let’s work together to help you have the energy and desire to thrive again!